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Beyond The Cool: How Sunglasses Protect Your Vision

  Sunglasses have been synonymous with the idea of “cool” for a long time and it isn’t hard to imagine why. It is hard to picture sunglasses without thinking about Tom Cruise rocking aviators while riding on a motorcycle. Sunglasses have been an important fashion accessory in our society for a long time now, but… Read More

3 Reasons Why You Should Prepare For Summer With LASIK

Yes, maybe it is a little early to be talking about summer, but it is a good idea to plan things out beforehand so you can maximize the beautiful summer weather. Studies show that fewer people choose to undergo laser eye surgery during the summer than during any other season. The reason behind this is… Read More

June is UV Safety Month: Protect Your Eyes From The Sun

June is here and that means summer is upon us! June also means that it’s UV Safety Month – a great time to spread the message of sun, fun and the effects of UV rays. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main cause of skin cancer, but can also damage your eyes if you leave them… Read More