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Ptosis Treatment in Louisville

At Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers, we are proud to offer patients in Louisville, Kentucky a range of treatment options for Ptosis. Ptosis, characterized by the drooping of one or both upper eyelids, is a condition that can impair vision and affects individuals of various ages.1 While often associated with aging, Ptosis can also emerge from other causes such as eye surgery, injury, or even congenitally. Identifying the underlying reason for Ptosis is crucial, as it can be indicative of more serious health concerns. 

Causes of Ptosis

The primary cause of Ptosis is typically a weakening of the muscle responsible for lifting the eyelid or damage to the nerves controlling this muscle. In some instances, it can result from excess skin on the upper eyelid. However, Ptosis can also signal more serious health issues. 

Besides being a congenital condition or resulting from injury or surgery, it may be linked to:

  • Migraine headaches
  • Eyelid growths, like styes
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Horner syndrome
  • Tumors, benign or malignant

Rarely, Ptosis might be a symptom of a brain tumor or other malignancy affecting muscle or nerve response.

Ptosis Symptoms

Ptosis typically presents as the lowering of one or both upper eyelids. Accompanying symptoms may include:2

  • Increased tearing
  • Difficulty in blinking or closing the eye
  • Impaired vision, particularly in cases of severe drooping

While age-related Ptosis usually develops gradually, a sudden onset of symptoms warrants immediate medical attention.3

Diagnosing Ptosis

Our expert ophthalmologists at Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers diagnose Ptosis through a comprehensive eye examination. This may include tests for visual acuity, visual field assessments, a slit-lamp examination, and possibly a tension test for myasthenia gravis. If there’s suspicion of an underlying systemic condition, we coordinate with internists or other specialists for further evaluation.

Treatment Options for Ptosis

Treatment for Ptosis depends on the severity and underlying cause. In cases where severe drooping obstructs vision, a surgical procedure known as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be recommended. This procedure effectively reduces the drooping, restoring normal vision and appearance. For younger patients with mild to moderate Ptosis, regular monitoring is advised to check for associated vision issues like amblyopia, refractive errors, or muscle diseases.

Ptosis Repair For Cosmetic Reasons

Ptosis repair for cosmetic reasons often involves collaboration with our oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Anne Rowland. Dr. Rowland is a skilled plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery for the eye area. This procedure can include a combination of an eyelid lift, brow lift, and the use of fillers to address under-eye bags and the repositioning of excess fat. Neuromodulators like Botox or Dysport may also be used as a non-surgical option for rejuvenation, as well as surgical procedures to enhance the appearance of the lower eyelids and reduce excess eyelid skin. During eyelid surgery, precise incisions are made, often under local anesthesia with sedation, ensuring minimal discomfort. The surgeon then meticulously works on both the upper and lower lids, carefully repositioning tissues and removing excess fat for a refreshed and youthful appearance. This targeted approach in ptosis repair not only improves the function of the eyelids but also significantly enhances facial aesthetics.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

At Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers, we are committed to providing exceptional care for our patients in Louisville, KY. To learn more about Ptosis and available treatment options, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. We are dedicated to serving our community with the highest standard of eye care.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ptosis

What is Ptosis?

Ptosis is a medical condition characterized by the drooping of one or both upper eyelids. It can affect vision and appearance and may be a sign of underlying health issues.

Who can get Ptosis?

Ptosis can occur in individuals of any age. It’s commonly associated with aging, but can also result from eye surgery, trauma, or be present at birth (congenital).

Is Ptosis just a cosmetic issue?

While Ptosis can be a cosmetic concern, it can also indicate more serious health problems. In severe cases, it can obstruct vision and lead to other eye-related issues.

How do I know if I need cosmetic Ptosis repair or reconstructive Ptosis repair? 

Determining whether you need cosmetic ptosis repair or reconstructive ptosis repair largely depends on the underlying cause and your specific goals. Cosmetic surgery for ptosis is typically sought out to address concerns related to the aging process, where the aim is to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes and midface. This may involve procedures like lower blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery, which focus on enhancing the aesthetic look of the upper lids and lower eyelids, addressing issues such as drooping lids or under-eye bags.

On the other hand, reconstructive ptosis repair is often required for more medical or functional reasons. This type of surgery procedure is necessary when ptosis impairs vision or is due to a congenital defect, injury, or disease. The goal here is not just to improve appearance but to restore or improve eyelid function.

What causes Ptosis?

The most common causes include weakening of the eyelid muscles, nerve damage, congenital factors, and aging. Other causes can include medical conditions like diabetes, stroke, myasthenia gravis, or tumors.

Can Ptosis be a sign of something serious?

Yes, in some cases, Ptosis can be a symptom of serious conditions like a brain tumor, stroke, or systemic diseases. It’s important to seek professional medical advice for an accurate diagnosis.

Is surgery always required for Ptosis?

Not always. Surgery is typically recommended for severe cases where vision is obstructed. Milder forms of Ptosis might be managed with non-surgical approaches or regular monitoring.

Can children develop Ptosis?

Yes, children can have Ptosis, and it can be congenital. It’s important to treat Ptosis in children promptly to prevent developmental issues like amblyopia (lazy eye).4

Will insurance cover Ptosis treatment?

Coverage varies depending on your insurance plan and the reason for treatment. Treatments for Ptosis due to medical reasons are often covered, whereas cosmetic procedures may not be. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to find out what is and is not covered under your health plan. We also offer a range of financing options to make Ptosis treatment affordable for those paying out of pocket. 

How long is the recovery after Ptosis surgery?

Recovery time can vary, but most patients can return to normal activities within a week. Complete healing and final results may take several weeks to months.

Can Ptosis recur after treatment?

While treatment is generally effective, Ptosis can recur, especially if it’s related to underlying medical conditions or aging. Regular follow-ups are important for monitoring.

Is it safe to delay treatment for Ptosis?

Delaying treatment, especially in severe cases, can lead to complications like impaired vision. It’s advisable to seek medical attention promptly if you notice symptoms of Ptosis.

1 American Academy of Ophthalmology. What Is Ptosis? Available: https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/what-is-ptosis. Accessed November 20, 2023.

2 Cleveland Clinic. Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid). Available: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14418-ptosis-droopy-eyelid. Accessed November 20, 2023.

3 Harvard Health. Drooping Eyelid (Ptosis). Available: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/drooping-eyelid-ptosis. Accessed November 20, 2023.

4 Mount Sinai. Ptosis – infants and children. Available: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/symptoms/ptosis-infants-and-children. Accessed Novemebr 20, 2023.